Course "Microscopic Optical Methods" among the best-evaluated courses of the winter semester 2023/24

Outstanding acknowledgement for the lecturers of the course "Microscopic Optical Methods" (ME4220): The course was evaluated as one of the best courses in the winter semester 2023/24 by the students of the University of Lübeck with a very good rating of 1.1.

The course has a long tradition at the Institute of Biomedical Optics and was originally introduced by Prof. Alfred Vogel together with Prof. Gereon Hüttmann. A fundamental part of the course is a so-called 4f Fourier optics setup, which enables filtering in the Fourier plane in a highly illustrative way. This allows students to understand the processes of image formation in microscopic imaging in a practical way and compare them with the theoretical concepts. In addition, the course offers an insight into practical applications of light microscopy through the cooperation with Prof. Peter König from the Institute of Anatomy. Overall, the very good evaluation result is therefore based not only on the exciting subject matter but also on an extremely good supervision ratio, as Gereon Hüttmann, Peter König and Norbert Linz were joined by Mario Pieper, Noah Heldt and Sebastian Freidank to complete the team of lecturers. In addition, the teaching concept was revised this year. Instead of frontal lectures and demonstration experiments, the students had to work through the course material themselves and present it to other students in short lectures. These presentations led to in-depth discussions in which both students and lecturers took part. The complex experimental setups were then largely completed by the students themselves. This was apparently very well appreciated.

The complete evaluation report on all courses of the winter semester 2023/24 is available here .