Past Speaker

Selected international Speakers

Name Titel/Position Institution Title of Talk Year
Adie, Steven Prof. Dr. Cornell University,Ithaca USA Computational approaches to enhance resolution in optical coherence tomography 2021
Boccara, Claude Prof. Dr. Institute Langevin, Paris France Multimodal endogenous contrast using Full-Field OCT 2017
Bonacina, Luigi Dr. University Geneva,Geneva Switzerland Harmonic nanoparticles: combining nonlinear optics and nanotechnology for cell labelling in the NIR-II window 2018
Bondza, Saskia Lund University, Lund Sweden Laser Stabilization for Ultrasound Optical Tomography 2019
Bouma, Brett Prof. Dr. Harvard Medical School, Boston USA Polarimetric OCT and applications for clinical and preclinical imaging 2017
Brewer, Jonathan Dr. University of Southern Denmark, Odense Denmark Bioimaging from drug delivery to cancer diagnostics and spider silk 2019
Erfurt, Ursula Prof. Dr. med. Medical Unversity Vienna, Vienne Austria Die Netzhaut: Sehen und gesehen werden 2011
Evans, Conor Prof. Wellman Center, Harvard, Boston USA Oxygen imaging - technologies and applications 2015
Feuchter, Thomas Dr.; product manager NKT Photonics AS, Birkerød Denmark Supercontinuum Lasers for Life Science Imaging 2015
Fujimoto, James Prof. Dr., Director MIT, Cambridge/Boston USA Stand der OCT- Entwicklung und Anwendungen 1997
Fujimoto, James Prof. Dr., Director MIT, Cambridge/Boston USA Optical Coherence Tomography Comes of Age 2011
Hansen, Jakob Dr. University of Southern Denmark, Odense Denmark CellTom-Projekt - Helium-Ionen-Microscopy  
Hee, Michael Prof. Dr. UCSF, San Francisco USA TBA ca. 1999
Hillmann, Dierck Dr. VU, Amsterdam Oblique illumination in holoscopy 2024
Kienle, Alwin Prof. Dr. ILM, Ulm Optical twins for medical applications 2024
Kracht, Dietmar Prof. Dr. LZH, Hannover Lasers for Earth, Moon and Mars 2025
Manstein, Dieter Dr. MGH, Harvard University, Boston USA The Changing Role of Energy-Based Devices in Dermatology 2019
Meier, Christoph Prof. Dr. FH Bern OCT-Projekte an der Berner Fachhochschule 2018
Migacz, Justin Dr. UC Davis, Davis USA Ultrahigh speed OCT imaging of the human choriocapillaris 2018
Millon, Celia M.Sc. Ecole Polytechnique, Paris France Optoacoustic devices to investigate solids and liquids - Non-destructive testing for metallic samples and under-water acoustic source 2019
Nagahara, Larry Prof. Dr. John-Hopkins- University, Baltimore USA Blending Engineering and Physics into Biomedical Research 2019
Pircher, Michael Prof. Dr. Medical Unversity Vienna, Vienne Austria Adaptive optics optical coherence tomography: Principles and challenges 2018
Potsaid, Benjamin Dr. MIT, Cambridge/Boston USA VCSEL OCT at Thorlabs and MIT 2017
Puliafito, Carmen Prof. Dr. Keck school of Medicine, Los Angeles USA Lasers in Ophthalmology – Past, Present and Future 2011
Purschke, Martin Dr. Wellman Center, Harvard University, Boston USA Enhanced cell killing by X-ray activated UV emitting nanoparticles 2018
Puyo, Léo Dr. Institute Langevin, Paris France Imaging blood flow in the eye with laser Doppler holography 2020
Sampson, David Prof. Dr.; Director, Centre for Microscopy University of Western Australia, Perth Australia Label-free tissue micro-imaging on the mesoscale – advances in optical coherence tomography 2017
Schlaefer, Alexander Prof. Dr.-Ing. TUHH, Hamburg OCT, Maschinelles Lernen und Robotik 2024
Segundo, Crescencio Prof. Dr. UNAM Mexico, Mexico City Mexico Biomedical Imaging: the photoacoustic tomography and medical infrared imaging at UNAM Mexico 2017
Segundo, Crescencio Prof. Dr. UNAM Mexico, Mexico City Mexico Diabetic Foot Disease (DFD), as an open field for Photoacoustic Tomography 2018
Shinojima, Ari ass. Prof. Dr. Keio University, Tokyo Japan Space flight associated problems on the Brain and Eyes - New Theory - 2018
Soest, Gijs Dr. University Rotterdam, Rotterdam Netherlands Optics in cardiology: imaging for intervention guidance 2018
Trull, Anna Dr. University Delft, Delft Netherlands Optical Coherence Computed Tomography, "Zebrafish swim into a new light" 2014
Vienola, Kari Dr. University of Turku, Finland Challenges in clinical translation of optoretinography 2024
Wojtkowski, Maciej Prof. Dr. Polish academy of Science, Wasaw Poland Spatiotemporal Optical Phase manipulation for biomedical imaging 2017
Woods, Daniel Michelson Diagnostics, Maidstone UK Multi-Beam OCT system and its applications in dermatology 2017
Yashin, Konstantin Dr. habil. University of Nishny Novgorod, Nishny Novgorod Russia OCT in brain tumour surgery 2019
Yasukawa, Tsutomu Prof. Dr.; Director, Department of Ophthalmology Nagoya City University, Nagoya Japan possible role of lipid accumulation in Bruch's membrane in the pathogenesis of AMD 2016