Bachelor- and Master Thesis

At our institute, there are almost always ideas or smaller projects that can be worked on as part of a bachelor's thesis, an internship or as a working student. For more advanced students, we are also happy to offer Master's thesis topics. You can find our current topics for student theses and topics from other BMO working groups below. The specific questions can be worked out in a personal discussion.

If no suitable positions are currently advertised for you, but you would still like to write your thesis at the institute, please contact us. We are sure to find a solution for particularly motivated and interested students!

The research group leaders and doctoral students will be happy to help you.

If you are interested, please send the contact person a CV and a current transcript of records with your enquiry.

Development of a Python-based correction algorithm for bi-directional scanned SLIDE microscopy

AG Karpf - Bachelor Thesis

SLIDE microscopy is a new, high-speed microscopy method for in vivo imaging. Using a new spectral scanning mechanism and bi-directional galvo and piezo scanning techniques, acquisition rates of 40 volumes per second are achieved, i.e. approx. 100 times faster than conventional scanning microscopy. Currently, the phase of the scan elements has to be adjusted manually. In this work, a correction algorithm is to be developed in napari (Python-based) that recognizes and automatically corrects image artefacts caused by incorrect phase (so-called zippers). In addition, the phase position of the fluorescence curves is to be analyzed using a global FLIM curve.

Please contact: Sebastian Karpf

Real-time temperature control for laser irradiations on the retina of the eye

AG Brinkmann - Bachelor Thesis

As part of a DFG-funded project, a new laser setup is being created in which we want to heat the retina with only one laser and measure the temperature increase in real time in parallel. The bachelor thesis includes optimisation of the setup, measurements on retina explants of pig eyes, and real-time recording and processing of the data. Cell vitality assays will be used to obtain a comparison of thermal damage as a function of temperature.Requirements: Experimental skills and programming experience.

If you are interested, please contact: Ralf Brinkmann

Set-up of Fourier ptychogaphic imaging and evaluation using machine learning

AG Rahlves - Master Thesis

Fourier ptychography is a high-resolution imaging method in which intensity images of a sample are acquired under coherent illumination at different angles of illumination. From the individual images, both a higher resolution image and the object phase can be reconstructed numerically without the need for interferometric images. This requires so-called phase retrieval algorithms for image reconstruction, such as the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. Alternatively, however, machine learning methods are becoming increasingly established to enable reconstruction. The aim of the thesis is first to build a simple Fourier ptychography imaging system. However, the focus will be on the implementation and evaluation of machine learning-based evaluation, which will be realised in Python using PyTorch or TensorFlow, for example.

If you are interested, please contact: Maik Rahlves

Laserlithotripsie mit Thulium-Faserlasern: Systematische Untersuchung von Abtrag und Retropulsion bei Kunststeinen

AG Brinkmann Bachelorarbeit

Gepulste Infrarot-Laser werden seit Jahren erfolgreich zur Zertrümmerung von Harnsteinen (Laserlithotripsie) eingesetzt. Im Rahmen des vom BMBF geförderten Verbundprojektes ‚kW-Spitzenleistung durch innovatives Pumpkonzept für qcw-Faserlaser bei 2µm Wellenlänge (SPITZE)‘ wird von unserem Kooperationspartner ein Thulium-Faserlaser entwickelt. Unser Teilvorhaben hat die Optimierung der Laserlithotripsie mit diesem System zum Ziel. Dazu sollen systematische Messreihen mit Kunststeinen zum Abtrag und Rückstoß bei verschiedenen Laserparametern durchgeführt werden.

Ansprechpartner: Kimberley Lühring, Medizinisches Laserzentrum Lübeck GmbH