Due to its relatively small penetration depth of a few millimeters, optical coherence tomography as a diagnostic imaging technique is currently only clinically well established in the field of ophthalmology. However, due to its high three-dimensional resolution of tissue structures, this non-invasive imaging method is also attracting increasing attention in dermatology. It is expected to replace classical diagnostic methods such as biopsies with optical biopsies and to enable better observation of dynamic processes in vivo. With our 1300 nm MHz-OCT system we can test new imaging and contrast methods on the skin. We are also in close collaboration with the Lübeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology (LIED) within the PMI Excellence Cluster to explore new fields of application of optical coherence tomography on the skin. For example, a cooperation project is the screening of new drugs for wound healing treatment. Here, OCT is used to determine the volume of the wound during therapy.